My French Girl Dream

Monday, May 2, 2016

5 Tips for Family Photography Sessions

1. Use a light modifier that is flattering to your subject. Skin tones need softer lighting for better portraits. Harsh lighting will give you sharp shadows under the eyes and nose or make the skin look unflattering.

2. Use a lower ISO. SKin tones are better reproduced with a lower ISO number. The higher the ISO, the higher the noise and pixels,which can make skin tones look spotty or grainy.

3. Have patience. Groups of families may take some maneuvering to get into place or have their attention looking towards you. Breath, be firm in your direction and showing patience will go along way with your clients and your portraits.

4. Smile. Clients want to have a good experience with you, in addition to a fabulous family portrait they will cherise. Pouty or grim faces can result in sad subject faces. You set the tone for your photo shoot. Bring your happy face and your subjects will bring theirs.

5. Shoot and shoot more. Groups of people are multiple eyes blinking or lips moving at the same time. Take a few of images of one set-up to make sure you have that one image in that set-up. The next set-up, do the same. Making sure you have more than one choice in each set-up will save you major headaches with your client.